Sunday, February 1, 2015

New Year.....Old injury

     So I recovered from my first 50 mile race and went into recovery mode.  It took several weeks for my right shin muscles to heal.  When they did I attempted easy runs to get back in the habit of running.  This lasted about half a run.  I got a bug in my butt to attempt to run faster.  I spent most of the last year just doing the grind of long distance running.  I needed something different.  Why not just go for shorter, faster runs?  So this lasted a couple of weeks......and then....
     Somewhere along the way I irritated my lower abdominal tissue where they attach to my pelvic bone.  And by irritated I mean I created tiny little microscopic tears where the connection occurs.  This is called a sports hernia, a hockey groin, or athletic pubalgia for you Latin fans out there.  I always love how I get "non-running" running injuries.  (I'm waiting for the day when I'm doing an overloaded Bulgarian deadlift and get a running injury !!!)

     I had this injury two years ago but it was more severe.  I couldn't run without severe pain happening.  I spent several months doing physical therapy and taking prescription anti-inflammatory pills.  I healed up, got better, and gradually built up my miles.  The injury was some weird thing that happened because my core was weak.  Physical therapy built that up and I started going to personal training at a local gym.
     The sports hernia came back towards late December.  I would go for runs and then hours later a soreness would creep in.  Sometimes a dull ache.  Other times a sharp pain.  Sometimes a blend of the two.  Not good.  I waited a couple of weeks to see if it would clear up.  Some runs would be fine....others the pain would come afterward.  There wasn't any consistency to the symptoms...or so it seemed.
     I noticed that faster runs where I pushed my speed were the times when the pain was more severe.  Could trying to run faster be irritating my lower abdominal muscles?  All evidence seemed to say so.  This revelation sucked.
    I went to my doctor.  He said it was likely that going from the slogging pace of an ultra to more of a 5k pace could have caused weakness in the tissue resulting in the tears.  He also said that as long as the pain wasn't present while running that I was on the mend. This meant I could keep running.
     He prescribed anti-inflammatory pills and said to do my physical therapy exercises from the last time this happened.  Three weeks passed and I had a check up.  Some minor pains were present but overall he was pleased with my healing.  He said to stop taking the pills on a daily basis and take them as needed.
     For the last month I've been in a strange place with my running.  I've been running less and concentrating more on my weight training and core work.  I signed up for the Mountain Mist 50k way back when my training was going awesome before the OPSF 50 miler.  I had to back out of that.  Pretty much donated money to an Alabama running club.  No biggie.
    My legs, core, shoulders, and back have all gotten stronger from this shift from running less to strength training more.  Sometimes my running has become more challenging because my quads were fatigued, and sometimes downright DOM'd, from that mornings squat workout or doing weighted sled drags.  I slowly got more excited about going to the gym than going for a run.
    I don't know why this has been happening.  Maybe because I can measure my progress in the gym better.  Weights are easy to gauge progress...This week I'm squatting 60 kilos.....two weeks later I'm doing 80 kilos.  Progress !!!   How do you measure progress in running?  By speed?  Oh, great.  Trying to get faster fucks up my pelvis and causes pain.  Hurm.  Thanks a lot universe.
     So for the past few weeks I've been trying to find a balance between strength training and running.  I also have to squeeze in the physical therapy core exercises plus some more advanced ones that I've thrown in for the extra challenge.  So my weekly mileage has suffered, but this isn't necessarily a bad thing. My weight training has picked up...It's a good substitution.   I keep trying to convince myself of that.  I want to remain consistent with running and not all the 2014 work I put in just fade away.   Who knows?  We'll see what 2015 brings.  It sure is off to a challenging start.

1 comment:

  1. I've been struggling with the same symptoms, and core strengthening didn't help me at all. I finally went to a new person who saw that my pelvis was twisted out of alignment in a particular way. She did some muscle energy techniques to make it go back. Everything was great for a while, then the pain came back on the other side. It seems like a tight lower back is pulling the pelvis out of alignment, so she did some graston, and I'm stretching my back a lot, and things are better again. I hope it stays this time, and I hope you have at least as much luck as me in getting out of this!
